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Connection Establishment Times

In order to estimate the time taken for the connection-establishment procedure, we performed a set of timing experiments. These experiments calculated the average time taken for the entire establishment process over different transport layers and different size testbed networks. In order to compare the times taken with different underlying transport layers, we ran two sets of experiments. In the first set, we calculated the average time taken for the establishment process on the Myrinet testbed network. These are the machines with Myrinet interface cards in them and connected through a Myrinet LAN. The topology and architecture of the machines in the testbed as given in Figure 12. In the second set of experiments, we performed the same tests over a general purpose network interconnected with Ethernet. This was a bigger sized network with additional SECs as part of the connection path. For both these sets of experiments we attempted to establish 200 connections and the results depicted are with a confidence interval of 95%. The results of both the sets of experiments are presented below.

Riccardo Bettati
Fri Jul 11 18:14:48 CDT 1997