CSCE 633 Project 3 - Nearest Neighbor due: Tues, Apr 10, 2012 Implement a nearest-neighbor classifier and compare its performance to your decision tree and neural network on at least 4 datasets from the UCI repository. You will have to make decisions about the best approach, such as whether to use k-NN with k=3, k=5... or to use distance-weighting, etc. I recommend implementing and testing several approaches to see which is best. You will have to decide how to combine symbolic and numeric attributes in a distance formula. (There are several methods we discussed in class. Also, don't forget to normalize the input data values.) You might want to try condensing or editting (though this is not required). An additional component of this project to is to implement and test some form of feature weighting or feature selection (your choice). Report which features were selected or got the highest weights. For comparing to your other classifiers, choose the best version of each. Conduct a statistical comparison of the best version of each of the 3 algorithms, and focus on trying determine which is best (it may depend on the database). Explain your findings. What to turn in: a written report, plus a print-out of your code.