CSCE 633 - Spring 2016 Project 1 - Decision Tree *revised* due date: THURS, Feb 25 (by start of class, 3:55pm) Implement a decision tree algorithm (in any programming language of your choice), and test it on at least 5 datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. Implement the basic ID3 algorithm as described in the Mitchell textbook. Here are some technical details you will have to address. 1. Input files: most of them use comma-separated format, so write a pre-processor assuming that. You will want to RANDOMIZE the order of examples when you read them in. You might want to include a way to indicate attribute names, which attribute is the target, which attributes are continuous, and/or what symbols indicates missing values. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. You could provide this information via command-line arguments and flags. Or you could write-up a "control file" that is unique for each database (i.e. lists of attribute names, types, values, etc). One of the things you might find convenient to do when you read in the data is to pre-process it by determining the set of discrete values for each attribute and their overall frequency distribution, or the mean and range for continuous attributes, etc. 2. For ID3, you should use Information Gain as a splitting critrion, though you might also want to experiment with other criteria (e.g. Gini Index, Gain Ratio, etc.). Feel free to test them out and report which performs better. 3. You must implement at least one pruning method, though the choice of which method is up to you. However, I recommend trying two different pruning methods (if you have the time) and comparing them, since some pruning methods can improve the accuracy of your algorithm more than others. 4. For testing, you should use ten-fold CROSS-VALIDATION, and report a mean accuracy along with a confidence interval (on at least 5 datasets). You should also implement a method for printing out your trees as ASCII text (using indentation to show the hierarchy; indicate the test attribute and outcome for each internal node, and the class label for leaf nodes; also include the class distribution among training examples at each node). Here is an example: water-project-cost-sharing=yes [10 republican, 5 democrat] adoption-of-the-budget-resolution=yes [7 republican, 1 democrat] class=republican adoption-of-the-budget-resolution=no [3 republican, 4 democrat] class=democrat water-project-cost-sharing=no [2 republican, 5 democrat] ... What to Turn In --------------- Submit your files through the (you might need to be inside the TAMU firewall to access this) Include the following: 1. Your source code. Also include a descripion of how to compile and run your program, sufficient so that it can be tested by the grader. 2. A write-up that describes salient details about your implementation, such as what splitting and stopping criteria you use, the method you use for pruning, how you deal with continuous or missing attributes, etc. Show an example print-out of a decision tree for one of the datasets. 3. A table of results. Include the confidence interval on accuracy (from cross-validation) for the best version of your algorithm on at least 5 datasets (include brief descriptions of what they are). Also compare the accuracy and tree-sizes you obtain WITH and WITHOUT pruning. Also include the accuracy of the majority classifier as a reference.