The AKS Primality Test

Project is due on November 14 @ 11.59pm.

Email your file to yueping @

Documentation and submission guidelines [ps][pdf]

Important Update:

Demonstrate your program to Yueping Zhang on Friday.


Your task is to write an efficient implementation of the AKS primality test in C or C++.

The name of your executable should be aks. The usage of your program should be as follows:

aks [--verbose] integerA integerB

In other words, you give two integers A and B with B ≥ A ≥ 2 as input. The program will test all integers in the range from A to B and will determine whether they are prime or not. For example, aks 2 5 should produce the output

2 is prime
3 is prime
4 is composite
5 is prime

Note that the output should be exactly in this form, namely a number followed by one space, followed by the string `is prime' or by the string `is composite'. If aks is called with the option --verbose then the output should be of the form

2 step 1, 2 is prime
2 step 1, 2 is prime
4 step 1 is composite

The steps denote the event that you enter step 1 (is n is a prime power?), step 2 (has n small factors?), step 3 (the polynomial congruence test).


Your program should come in a package of the form gzipped tar file called


Expanding this tar ball should create a directory YourFirstname_Lastname, which contains all source files, documentation, copyright notice, etc. In other words, all the information that we need to grade your project. After entering your directory, we should be able to create the executables by typing ./configure followed by make.

The information on the GNU build system given below will help you to create this convenient packaging. If you have never used automake and autoconf before, then you will see that this is simple and fun.

Before you hand in any of your programs, make sure that they compile on the UNIX system of the department, as well as on a Windows/cygwin combination.

Requirements (partial list)

Aggie code of honor

You are required to document all sources of information that you have used in the course of producing your project. DO NOT DOWNLOAD AND MODIFY PROGRAMS FROM THE WEB OR ANY OTHER SOURCE. Write the program code completely on your own. You are allowed to use the GNU GMP library, which will simplify your task enormously.
