CPSC 629-600: Analysis of Algorithms

Fall 2002
Course Information

Instructor: Andreas Klappenecker
Office: 509B Harvey R. Bright Building
Office hours: TR 10:30-11:30am
Email: klappi @ cs.tamu.edu


CPSC 311 Analysis of Algorithms.

Required Textbooks:

Additional materials will be distributed during the course.


The course grades will be assigned according to the scale A=90-100%, B=80-89%, C=70-79%, D=60-69%, F 0-59% of the total points available.

Course Goals

This course covers algorithm design and analysis techniques, advanced data structures, number theoretic algorithms, graph algorithms, theory of NP-complete problems, and some specialized topics. At the end of the course you should be familiar with

Course Contents

A (tentative) list of topics that will be covered in the course:

Assumed Background

Computer Use

Some materials will be available only on the web. You need a CS account for the project.