CSCE 443/VIST 487: Game Development

Fall 2011

Peer Review

The purpose of this review is to provide feedback about how well your team members performed during Project 1. These grades will be averaged over all of your team members. If you do not turn this review in by the due date, you will not receive any credit for your team member’s reviews.

For each team member in your group:

  • Provide a numerical score betwen 0-10 (10 being the best) rating how well that team member contributed to the group in your opinion.
  • Give an explanation for your rating above.
  • Specify whether or not you would like your explanation to be provided to the team member or not. If no, explanations will only be seen by the Instructor and TA. If yes, the anonymous explanation will be provided to the respective team member along with the final grade sheet for Project 1.