CPSC 645/VIZA 675 Geometric Modeling

Course Project


A major portion of the grade in this course will be determined by a course project.  This describes some of the key information about the course project.


Important Due Dates

Tuesday, February 10, 9:35 a.m. – Project proposal

Tuesday, March 12, 9:35 a.m. – First update report

Tuesday, April 9, 9:35 a.m. – Second update report

Tuesday, May 8, 12:30 p.m. – Final report; also likely time for Oral presentations



The choice of topic is up to you.  The only specific requirement is that it should relate to modeling and have a strong geometric component.  It does not have to directly involve topics that we cover in class.  Since you will spend a significant amount of time working on this project, you should choose something both interesting and challenging to you.

This is meant to be open-ended, and allow you to pursue almost any related topic.

Integration with Research:  You are strongly encouraged to pick a topic that ties in closely with your research work; however, your topic should not be the exact same thing you are being paid for doing as a GAR.  It can be really close, though – e.g. if your GAR work is focused on modeling neurons, you could try to develop a new geometric representation for neuron geometry, or a model of one neuron part not currently modeled.  This project might give you a chance, for example, to initially explore a potential thesis topic.  Or, you might use it as a chance to explore some idea you came up with while performing research but haven’t been able to work on. 

Originality: Your project does not have to be a completely new idea, but the originality of your work will play a part in your grade.  An example of less original work would be implementing a method or algorithm described in a paper.  More original work would include merging topics found in several papers, or exploring a completely new topic.

            Possible Topics: Attached to this page is a list of possible topics.  This list is meant to give you ideas, not to be a comprehensive list of topics.  If you are uncertain whether your topic would be appropriate, please check with the instructor.



  • 10% Originality of Work
  • 20% Quality of Presentations (proposal, updates, final report – 5% each)
  • 5% Final Oral Presentation
  • 65% Quality of Work



All reports will be submitted via web pages.  Before the first report is due, you are to send the URL of a web site that will be used as your project web page.  Your project web page should include links to each of the reports, and should be up and accessible by the due time.  Note that other students will be able to view your project pages.  Your page does not need to contain more than links to the various reports, but I would encourage you to keep it up as the semester goes along – in that way the final report will be much easier to write.  Your reports should not be edited after the time they are due, and you should leave them up afterward. If you need web space to put your reports on, let me know well in advance, and I should be able to get you some course web space. 

Four reports will be required.  The first will be a project proposal.  Two progress reports will be required.  You will be expected to have made some progress on your project by each of these dates.  A final report will be due at the time scheduled for the final exam in the class.  The format of these reports is described below.  Please be sure to include all the information asked for below.  Grades on the reports will be based on how well you address each of the items asked for – not on the specific accomplishments on the project overall.


Project Proposal

Your project proposal should consist of the equivalent of no more than two printed pages, and should be turned in at the beginning of class on the due date.  Your proposal should include the following items:

  • Title for project
  • Your Name
  • Summary – You should summarize the following items:
    • Description of Problem – What is it you are trying to solve/address?
    • Importance of Problem – Why is this an important/interesting problem?
    • Previous Work on Problem – What previous work on this topic are you aware of?  You are not expected to have performed a thorough literature search on the topic (this might be part of your proposal), but you should have a basic idea of what’s been done on the problem before.
    • Your Proposal – What is it you plan to do?
    • Originality – What is new (if anything) about the work you are proposing?
    • Relationship to Geometric Modeling (optional) – If it is not obvious how your topic relates to geometric modeling, you should explain it here.
  • List of Goals – You should give a list of intermediate and final goals, specifying what you hope to accomplish by each of the following due dates (the two update points and the final point).  Your goals should be as specific as possible.  You are welcome to include more intermediate goals, as well as additional goals that you might achieve if your work proceeds better than expected.


Project Updates

Each progress report should be the equivalent of no more than about 3 printed pages, and should include the following items:

  • Your Name and the project Title
  • Summary of Work to Date – You should state exactly what work you’ve completed to this point.  Summarize any results you’ve achieved, including unexpected complications that have come up.  Feel free to include tables or figures if you feel they would help.
  • Analysis of Work – You should refer to the intermediate goals listed on your proposal or previous update.  State whether these goals have been met.  If they have not been met, explain why not.
  • Plan for Completion – You should update your original plan, including your intermediate and final goals, to describe how you plan to complete your project on time.  If you are on schedule so far, state whether you anticipate remaining on schedule for the rest of the project.  If you are behind schedule, describe what you will do to catch up.  If you have encountered unexpected difficulties and feel that your overall goals will need to be modified, describe what your new goals will be and justify why you need to change them.

Be honest in your description.  The update is primarily meant to help you, and your grade on the report is not related to what you’ve accomplished.  If you have accomplished little, I would expect less writing in the summary section and more in the plan section.  If you are on schedule, I would expect more in the summary and less in the plan.  You should not try to change your project at this point unless you’ve encountered significant unexpected problems with your work to date and have discussed these with the instructor.  “I haven’t spent much time on it and don’t think I can finish” is not a valid reason for changing your project at this point!


Final Report

The grade on the report will only be on the quality of the report itself (rather than what you accomplished).  Even though this is not a large portion of your project grade, remember that it is also a key part of my evaluation of your work.  So, it is very important that you clearly and specifically state what you have accomplished – if you did great work but I couldn’t tell, you might receive a low grade overall.  Finally, be concise.  I do not want to see code listings (except maybe brief sections to demonstrate a point), and I don’t need to know every detail of the process you went through.  In all cases, your final project report should be made available via a link on your web page (or the web page itself can be the report).


You should prepare your report as an HTML document – I would prefer not to have a .doc, .pdf, etc. file – use an HTML document that allows you to include relevant links to supporting information or code, pictures, video clips, etc.  For whatever you submit, please make sure that no special plugins or libraries are needed to view your report.


Your final report should be well organized and should contain the following information, though the format and organization is totally up to you:

  • Your Name and project Title
  • Problem summary – Briefly summarize the problem you are dealing with and why it is important.  This is likely to be a modification of your proposal.
  • Previous work – You should summarize and reference the relevant previous work in this area which you are aware of or which you consulted.  Remember to cite any libraries or utilities you used in creating your program.
  • Description of work – Describe the work you performed.  Include any major “dead end” paths of research and why they failed, and any major challenges you encountered.  Do not go into every detail of everything you’ve done.
  • Results – Describe exactly what was achieved.  State exactly what you have accomplished, giving concrete information (e.g. by charts, pictures, etc.) about what has been done.
  • Analysis of work – You should analyze the work done from the standpoint of how successful you were on the project.  You should include the following information:
    • New results – What have you accomplished that is new, if anything?  If you claim novel contributions, you should have thoroughly researched the previous work on the problem.
    • Meeting goals – How well did you meet the original goals you set out?  If you did not meet these goals, why not?
    • Future work – If you (or someone else) were to continue working in this area, what would be the next steps in both the short and long term?  Do you feel that more work on this topic would yield interesting research results?


Final Oral Presentation

You will present your work in an oral presentation.  The time for this is anticipated to be the time scheduled for the final exam, though a different time might be selected with consensus of the class.  The final presentations should be about 15 minutes each.  More details on specific time and location will be given during the semester.


Like the reports, grading for the presentation will be on the quality of the presentation itself (independent of the content).  However, along with the final report, the presentation will be the primary source used to provide the information used to determine the final grade.  It is important to do a good job with the presentation (and the final report) so that your “quality” grade will be reflective of the work you have done.


Ideas for Project Topics

The following page is not meant to be a comprehensive list of topics, but rather to be a source of ideas.  To get other ideas, you might consider looking through journals/conference proceedings such as (these are just a few of the publications that might be good sources for ideas):


Computer Aided Design

Computer Aided Geometric Design

Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling

Proceedings of Symposium on Geometry Processing

Proceedings of Shape Modeling and Applications

Proceedings of SIGGRAPH

Proceedings of Eurographics

Proceedings of Pacific Graphics

Proceedings of IEEE Visualization

ACM Transactions on Graphics

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics

IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation

International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications

Journal of Computing and Information Sciences in Engineering

Graphical Models


Here are a few slightly more specific project ideas.  Again, you are encouraged to choose a topic that will fit well with your graduate research work.

  • Surface reconstruction from interior point data (e.g. level sets)
  • Highly accurate or robust computations
    • Exact intersections of curves/surfaces
    • Degeneracy analysis
    • Representations and operations with non-manifold data
    • Storage/memory analysis of exact representations of objects
    • Consistent rounding methods
    • Fuzzy object representations
  • Modeling deformations or changes in objects’ geometry/topology
    • From natural physical processes (e.g. fracture, pressure, wind/water, etc.)
    • In response to external forces (user-defined or collision-defined)
  • Modeling of difficult-to-model objects
    • Objects with fine geometric detail/detail at many scales
    • Objects with high topological complexity
    • Things with difficult to define boundaries (e.g. clouds, fracture patterns)
    • Modeling biological structures
  • Conversion between various modeling paradigms
    • Segmentation of objects from volume data
    • Medial axis extraction
    • Standards for data transfer
    • Storing features and functionality with data
  • Motion of objects
    • Envelopes of sweep paths
    • Tool path generation
    • Determining physical properties (mass, moments of inertia)
    • Collision detection
    • Motion planning
  • Rendering of models
    • Faster rendering (generating levels-of-detail, triangle stripping, etc.)
    • Exploiting structured data (e.g. terrain meshes)
    • Rendering volumetric information
  • Generation of grids or other structures to support computation across geometric objects
  • Analysis of model properties in various formats (e.g. moments of inertia, stress, heat, etc.)
  • Reconstructing models from scanned or sampled data
  • User Interface issues for model creation/modification
  • Procedural model generation
  • Mapping/parameterizing on surfaces